Introduction to the Wheel of Consent®

A radical practice for relating


Date: Monday, 6. September, 18.30 – 21.30 Uhr
Price: regular 80.-, low income 40.- , supporter ticket 120.-
Language: English


Join us for this 3-hour in-person introduction to the Wheel of Consent® – a powerful practice to improve the quality of your relationships and create clear agreements to experience satisfying connection to yourself and others.


The Wheel of Consent® was created by Dr. Betty Martin and captured in her book The Wheel of Consent: The Art of Receiving and Giving. It offers a radical inquiry into the nature of receiving and giving, into the nature of consent, knowing what you want, and how to communicate it. It is a deeply nuanced way to practice consent as an agreement that brings integrity, responsibility, and empowerment into human interaction, starting with touch and relationships, and further expanding our understanding of consent to social issues of equality and justice.


It is simple, subtle, and profound.


In this introduction, we will offer practices to:
໑ Create a felt-sense of safety in your body and nervous system
໑ Connect to what feels good and brings you joy
໑ Notice, value, and voice what you want and what you don’t want
໑ Notice the tendency to go along with what is being done and reverse it
໑ Make choices that support your well-being and connection with others


What participants say
“It’s truly transformational work and so necessary for the healing and growth we are in desperate need of.“


„I know myself WAY more. I am trusting my impulses, my no’s and yes’s and I am able to voice them more clearly now. I am grateful for this modality. It is a gentle, deep, and foundational piece for creating healthy, safe, and intimate relationships with oneself and others.“


This introduction
໑ Is for anyone who is interested in learning more about themselves and improving the quality of their relationships – with intimate partners, friends, parents, children, or colleagues
໑ Is experiential – you will have plenty of opportunities to practice and explore
໑ Respects your boundaries – you will always have choices about how you engage with the exercises
໑ Lets you start where you are – regardless of how much you know about the Wheel, there are always new levels of awareness to be found
໑ Is open to all genders, sexual orientations, and relationship constellations


Location: Zurich
Dates: September 6, 2021
Hours: 6:30-9:30 PM
There are several shorter breaks. Tea and snacks are provided.


໑ This workshop will be taught in English.
໑ Thank you for not wearing scents (e.g. perfume, scented lotion, aftershave)


Workshop Agreements
How we ask that you engage with each other:
1. Confidentiality — outside the group share only your own experience and learnings
2. Feelings are welcome and do not need to be justified or explained; honor the feelings that arise in others by allowing them to feel without fixing or advising
3. Share with intention, using „I“ statements. Listen with attention
4. Use the names and pronouns people request, and honor the lived experience of those in the group. Be willing to stay open and free of assumptions about people’s identities and experiences (eg. assuming gender, race, sexuality, etc).
5. This workshop is clothed. There will be options to engage in non-sexual touch with other participants and it is not required. You never have to touch anyone you do not want to, and you are allowed to change your mind as many times as your mind changes. You get the full value from the introduction however you choose to participate.


What we invite for your own experience:
1. Invite beginner’s mind — everything we offer is an experiment and an opportunity to notice yourself; take what works for you and leave the rest
2. Participation can look many ways and you choose how you want to participate — actively join an exercise, witness, journal, take a break, and change your mind at any time!
3. Do not do anything you do not want to do
4. Self-care and self-regulation — take care of your needs (for water, rest, movement, etc.)


About Helena
Helena De Felice is a certified facilitator of the Wheel of Consent®, Embodiment Coach, Full-Spectrum Doula, High Priestess of Aphrodite, and Self-Expression and Leadership Program Leader with over 6,000 hours of practice in facilitation and coaching. Her mission is to empower and enable people to celebrate their authentic selves and experience their relationships as creative, positive, life-affirming, and energizing. Loving compassion and “pro-choiceness” (a commitment that each person is empowered to make informed choices for themselves) weave through every aspect of her work. For more information, visit


Assistenz & Organisation: Sidonia