Playfighting Weekend with Frank und Sheila

Fight for Fun
Fighting is energetic, dynamic, honest and liberating. Playfighting retains these qualities without the destructive aspects of real fighting – and adds fun and joy. Imagine puppies fighting playfully and you have a good idea of what playfighting’s all about. It’s not about winning or losing and going against each other, it’s about frolicking around and having fun with each other. It involves laughing a lot and can be wonderfully wild.



Play fights allow us to feel our strength and our partner’s strength, to feel our physicality in a uniquely exhilarating way. They open up a safe space for us to experience issues, situations and feelings that we might otherwise not look at. In doing so we discover delightful new ways to relate to each other.


We don’t introduce a simplified form of wrestling, but a unique concept with its own ideas. Since play fighting has totally different goals than martial arts, we’ve developed exercises and games that take you step-by-step into playful fighting, taking a closer look at individual physical and emotional aspects.


In this workshop we create a fun, cosy and friendly atmosphere and give extensive safety guidlines to inspire you to fight playfully.


Who is this workshop for?
For everyone who is interested in fun and powerful interactions. For newcomers and experienced playfighters, regardless of age – our oldest participant was 70+ ;).


Previous experience with martial arts or an above average level of fitness is definitely not required, but please be sure to meet the basic health requirements for engaging in sports and physical activity.
In case you have any questions please get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to chat with you about it.


Who leads this workshop?
Frank is a kinky German self-defense teacher and philosopher who has been practicing various martial arts since 1984. With Playfighting and Rough Body Play, he has developed his own and unique approach to bring together his passion for martial arts and playful fighting.


Austrian Sheila, Franks partner in crime, has a diverse bodywork background – she practices Shiatsu, breath work, dance and martial arts. She is a contact communication trainer and experienced adventurer in expeditions off the beaten tracks.


The two founders of the Bodyplay Academy are influential pioneers in the field of Playfighting and are constantly developing their concepts. Since 2005 they have presented their entertaining and educational hands-on workshops all over Europe and in Australia. Their presentation is spiced with humour and the numerous insights into their relationship.


For further information check out




Weekend 04. – 05.05.2019


Saturday 13.30 – 20.00
Sunday 12.00 – 18.00


This workshop will take place in Zurich. The address will be sent to you when your registration is complete.


CHF 250 per Person


Der Kurs ist offen für alle Gender und sexuellen Orientierungen sowie für Singles, Paare und andere Konstellationen. Mitbringen solltest du die Bereitschaft und Freude am Forschen; dich auf möglichst beide Rollen – die gebende und die empfangende – einzulassen sowie auch mal mit anderen Partner*innen zu arbeiten als den „gewohnten“. Dennoch gilt: in diesem Workshop gibt es kein Muss. Deine persönlichen Entscheidungen werden in jedem Falle respektiert. Du bist Willkommen!


Registration & Questions
Please register with your full name and phone number.


Es sind sowohl Einzelpersonen als auch Paare und Gruppen jeden Geschlechts herzlich willkommen. Zugunsten eines ausgewogenen Geschlechterverhältnisses behalten wir uns vor, eine Warteliste zu führen. Wer besonderen Wert darauf legt, in jedem Fall mit dem Geschlecht der Wahl zu üben, bringt das Geschlecht der Wahl bitte selber mit.


Values for all our events.


Insurance is responsibility of the participants!