Let’s talk about love. Whether you are currently in love, looking for a new love or nursing a broken heart because love has gone away, this is an opportunity to talk, share and learn more about the most profound and intrigueing emotion in our human experience.
For the sake of discussion, lets assume that there are three different kinds of love: self-love, romantic love and love for the larger community of fellow humans. Does one depend upon the other? Can you love another if you do not love yourself? Are you generous when it comes to loving? Is the way we love limited by the culture into which we are born? What would it look like if we choose love every single day of our lives? What if we took seriously the biblical adage, “love thy neighbor as thy self” and embraced this as a commandment to live by? What if we redefine LOVE for the 21st century?
Let there be love! Join us for this discussion as we search for some answers to life’s most profound and searching challenge. Sign up soon. Places at the Salon fill up fast.
Reserve early. The Salon fills up fast.
The lecture will take place in English.
Date & Time
Thursday 28.04.22 | 19 – 22
This workshop will take place in Zurich. The address will be sent to you when your registration is complete.
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The internationally known sex educator Maggie Tapert has been leading her own brand of unique seminars and workshops for more than twenty years. Her pioneering work in the field of female sexuality is rooted in a profound focus on feminine pleasure and desire. Maggie Tapert was born in the USA and spent most of her adult life in Switzerland. She is mother, grandmother and has a private practice for coaching and mentoring in Zurich. Her autobiography, PLEASURE was first published in 2012 by Südwest Verlag and went into a second printing in 2019.