BDSM meets NVC

Diese Workshop-Reihe findet in Kooperation mit Zwischenwelten statt und wird durchgeführt von Juli, Livio, Jessy und Can

We are looking forward to celebrate a weekend of curious playful exploration of BDSM combined with attentive and compassionate Nonviolent Communication.


In BDSM practices, people create shared moments, sensual experiences and intense encounters. Strict, spontaneous, playful – BDSM is as colorful and diverse as the people are.


The practices and attitude of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) seek ways to perceive the other person in full presence and openness, to accept their feelings and perceptions in a non-judgmental and calm manner. At the same time, NVC empowers us to empathize with our own needs, feelings and fears. It offers us a framework to name these and to give each other empathy. This path of emphatic and caring communication promotes mutual understanding on a cognitive and emotional level and enables us to find ways to reach each other and our needs together.


During intense experiences, overwhelming emotions, unexpected reactions or fears can arise, or even traumatic experiences from the past can come to light. That’s why creating mindful, loving and safe experiences is an inseparable part of BDSM. Discussing wishes and boundaries in detail, communicating during the sensual play and a careful and loving debriefing are essential for all practitioners. We want to take a close look at these communication processes and practice them. We want to explore the question of how we can feel comfortable and confident in all of these phases and in every role in communication. How we can recognize and clearly show our own needs and limits?


The workshop hosts are convinced that connecting these two worlds has great potential to deepen the resulting interactions. NVC offers tools to navigate more safely through communication and to feel each other. BDSM gives a physicality to the deep encounter with oneself and the other person. Both practices complement each other.


In a two-day workshop, we would like to explore with interested people how these interfaces can take place – in playful scenarios, conversational encounters and physical interaction.


The basics of NVC are learned and applied directly. There will be the opportunity to apply them in fictional situations from the BDSM context and to ask yourself how NVC can be used in BDSM. There will also be times when you can play together and cultivate conscious communication while playing. We will then discuss how this influences perception and feelings and to what extent this can contribute to a more satisfied and pleasurable encounter.


Inputs & demos are held in english, exercises can be done in any language.


More? here in 18min


Who are we?
We are a group of four organizers:
Exploring the inner worlds has been part of my life since my childhood. Practicing being present in the body and witnessing the mind is also a practice I take into taboo areas such as sexuality. BDSM for me is a versatile “tool” to create scenarios for safer exploration, authentic connection and creative adult play. Clear communication and empathy is necessary to establish a safer container for the play scenes, so for me it’s a logical conclusion to bring NVC and BDSM together. I’ve been working as a professional dominatrix for around 6 years and hosting events and workshops for several years too.


I love to explore vulnerability and authenticity together, especially in hidden realms. Thats why I feel very grateful that since 4 years I can live from adventuring inner worlds, as trainer for empathy and self expression.


Finding an empathetic path from heart to heart in human interaction is a need that drives me. This path can arise through words, touch and listening. I – Jessy (they/them) – am a musician and lecturer, am active in the dazzling world of BDSM and have been working with NVC for two years.


This combination of BDSM and NVC is a topic close to my heart that I wish I could share with more people. For me, immersing myself in these topics was like a great journey with myself and the many people I was able to meet along the way. Two years ago I co-founded the Multilingual Youth Munch, occasionally lead bondage jams at Serratus for the Lumen d’arc and am involved as a newbie support for the IG BDSM for the Zurich area.


Date and Time
Saturday 8. March 13 – 18 h, 2025
Sunday 9. March 11 – 18 h, 2025


Sliding Scale: 111 – 333 chf
If money prevents you from participating, please contact us.
Pay cash or by Twint at the event, or send it afterwards via bank transfer.


Please only register, if you truly commit to attend. The space is limited!
Register at


Pre-Payment to register
We kindly ask you to do a prepayment of min. 80.00 CHF to register for the workshop. This is to make sure we can cover our costs in case many of you were to cancel on short notice. The remaining payment you can either pay during or after the workshop. Once you have registered we will send you our Payment methods.


What to bring

  • Water bottle & snacks
  • Notebook & pen
  • Food for Lunch on Sunday
  • Comfortable and/or exciting clothes
  • Toys, if you like



13:00 1st Session: PREPARATION
Inputs, demos, discussions & exercices
with 2-3 small breaks
18:00 End the day
11:00 2nd Session: PLAY PARTY
Open and supported space to explore
with a break
15:00 Lunch break
16:00 3rd Session: AFTER CARE
Integration and rounding up
with a break
18:00 End the workshop


Do you have questions? Contact